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Welcome friends!

Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so glad you are here! I am really big on hospitality so please, make yourself at home, get comfy, sip your favorite beverage, and know that you are welcome here.


 Let me introduce myself! I'm Erica Koser, an Ordained Deacon in the UMC.  I currently serve as the Interim Strategy and Innovation Cultivator for the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  I am passionate about the intersection of justice, new ways of doing church, and serving those on the margins.  As an ordained deacon, I strive to live out the call to love our neighbors as ourselves by extending the table from the church to the world.  I am a firm believer in unlimited grace, incarnational love, and hope. 


I previously served as the founder, co director and ultimately Executive Director of a Connections Shelter in Southern Minnesota.  Many of the stories you find here come from my encounters with Jesus through those we served at the shelter.


An Enneagram 2, an ENFJ with Strengths in Strategy, Communication, Connectedness, Achievement, and Empathy I love to explore possibility, authentic relationships, and creating space for people's stories!  My call takes me to the margins where I try to live out the Gospel call to love your neighbor as yourself every day.   Why the Sassy Pastor you ask?  Well, I am a little unconventional, a lot sassy, and it's a catchy name ;). 



Hobby Farming Lake Girl

I grew up a city girl, in Denver.  It's was my training ground for ministries of justice and service.  I have raised my family in a mid-sized town in Southern Minnesota and just before the pandemic, we moved to a hobby farm.  Chickens, goats, barn cats, and dogs fill my non-working time and I love the connection to nature.  It brings me peace and grounds me in my faith.  If I am not at the farm, I am at the lake cabin- listening to the loons and being refreshed by the water.  


I have held many titles throughout my 50 some years- daughter, wife, mom, nurse, doula, entrepreneur, pastor.  The experiences that come with these titles shape the way I see the world and where I see God at work in the world.  Above all, I know that I am a beloved child of God- called, named, claimed, and sent to seek the beloved in the world.  I love big!


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