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The only constant in life is change...

Writer's picture: Erica KoserErica Koser

Hi. I've missed you. There have been some big changes in the life of the Sassy Pastor, a season of rest, renewal, and reinvention. Let me catch you up!

I am a starter, an entrepreneur at heart. I love to start things, to think creatively, to innovate, to cast a vision, and to make dreams reality. One only has to look at my varied vocational call to know that I follow my passion and my heart to the spaces and places I feel I can leave a positive mark. I have been blessed with a family that supports this appetite for change and they have supported my well planned whims ;).

In January of this year, I knew my soul was weary. I knew that my time with the shelter was likely coming to a close and I knew I needed to begin to develop an exit plan to execute in the summer after the season's close. Shelter work, crisis work, is ripe with burnout. When you are an empath who gives 110%, the reserves deplete quickly. I loved my work with all my heart, but it was beginning to take a toll on my personhood. As a starter- I also was keenly aware that the skills that come with maintenance and sustainability were not mine. For the good of the organization and for my own good, a change was in the wind.

I wasn't expecting a gale force wind to change the course so quickly! At the end of January, we faced a family health crisis with aging parents. What had been a slight holy spirit breeze, became a direct line wind and a course change was necessary. I stepped down from Connections in March and shifted my focus to being wholly present for our family and to begin to rest and renew.

It is amazing how you don't know how truly exhausted you are until you stop. It has been 5 months since I stepped down. The family crisis has moved to a point of new normal and I am finally rested. Life is a lot more quiet right now. There was some panic about what would I do next- it's funny how so much of our identity can be wrapped up in our work. But again, my wise and dedicated village told me to rest, to wait, to dream, to discern. A new wind began to blow. A holy spirit breeze that whispered about new networks, new opportunities, new chances to take all the lessons I have learned about church and life and people and share them with others. Amazing how God seems to know what you need long before you do!

In June I began an interim position as the Strategy and Innovation Cultivator for the Minnesota Annual Conference of the UMC. I am only working 20 hours a week which has proven to be a lovely pace to wade into work again. This fall will likely see an increase in hours, but it has renewed my energy and my spirit. The work is proving to provide a beautiful balance. Many opportunities to strategize and dream, to use parts of my brain that have been itching to stretch, but also innovation that blossoms out of the lessons I have learned through ministry on the margins.

All that said, I am still a sassy pastor- with stories to tell, lessons to share, blessings to offer. I hope you will re-engage with me once again as I continue to lift up new ways of doing and being church and share some of the light hearted life lessons I learn as a hobby farmer -lake girl. (and did I mention I am now a grandma (but call me Gigi cause I am sassy!).

During my renewal, I spent some time uploading and consolidating blogs. There is a wealth of new (old) posts in the shelter stories section that I encourage you to check out. Stay tuned- hoping to get back to a blessing and a blog weekly (gotta set a high bar so I have something to strive for.). - Pr. Erica, the sassy pastor


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