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Have a Conversation with the Sassy Pastor 

Looking for a dynamic, relational, sassy conversation partner for your next event, retreat, meeting, podcast, worship, or conference?  


Fresh Expressions and Church Planting

In my current position, I work with church planters and with Fresh Expressions.  I have also previously worked as a mission developer with the ELCA.  I am passionate about the ways church can look different.  Are you exploring fresh ways of being/ doing church?  Through a process of visioning, strategy, and gift analysis, I can partner with you to explore what God may be calling you to plant.


What does it look like to take a dream of loving your neighbor as yourself and turn it into a life changing ministry?  Based on successful work with Connections Shelter and Breakfast Church, I will lead your through a creative process to strategize how you can make your ministry a reality.  Including funding, community support, how to recruit volunteers and more. 

Stories from the Margins

Our faith story is rich and diverse.  Hear stories of faith through the lens of the marginalized.  Explore how our hardships, oppressive systems, and injustices speak to what is true about God's powerful love and grace. Through stories, scripture, song, and prayer encounter the unexpected ways of Jesus. This format works well for your retreat, worship or conference.

Finding Balance

In a time when we are plugged in 24/7, locked into a constant crisis news cycle, and burning the candle at both ends, it can be hard to stop long enough to listen to the still small voice of God.  Together we will explore ways to step back and to find moments of quiet in

nature and spiritual practices.  This is a great topic for a women's retreat or pastoral sabbath retreat. 


Based on 10 years of work with those experiencing homelessness, learn about the root causes, the barriers to housing, and the importance of public/ private partnerships to eliminate homelessness.  Including games, simulations and creative problem solving this topic is great for youth retreats, college campuses, camps, civic groups, conferences.


What does it mean to be a beloved child of God?  How do we live into this incredible gift?  Through the tenants of Covenant Discipleship, the importance of our own story, and the power of community; discover ways to live a life of faith centered on the knowledge that everyone of us is a beloved child of God.

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